East Hardwick, News

Fire District Wraps-up for 2023

by Cheryl Luther Michaels, Community Journalist

EAST HARDWICK — In the final quarter of 2023, the board of the East Hardwick Fire District (EHFD) met four times. The board oversees the water system for East Hardwick Village.

Operations of the board include testing the chlorine levels daily. Chlorine levels are monitored by drawing water at the first point on the system, D&L Market, then adding the appropriate amount of chlorine to the system at the reservoir. Members of the board perform this task. The addition of chlorine to the system was mandated by the State of Vermont after a 2022 inspection of the springs revealed tree root incursions. Additionally, a licensed operator tests monthly for bacteria.

In 2023, the board contracted with the town to use its licensed operator on a temporary basis. On November 28, a special meeting was held with Lane Simon, and in December the board contracted Simon Operation Services of Waterbury to provide the operator services and assist with maintenance issues.

In other fourth quarter business, the board changed the date of its meetings to the third Wednesday of the month, accepted the resignation of board member Randy Thompson, and appointed Dave Gross as a temporary board member until the next annual meeting. Gross has assumed the daily testing and chlorination tasks, with other trustees as back-up.

There have been continuing maintenance and assessment activities at the site of the springs and reservoir. The flow meter failed and a new one was installed. Repairs have been made to the lock of the chlorination box and to the hinges of the storage box. The board is looking at whether or not road work will be needed to provide access to the reservoir and the springs for repairs. In October, an estimate of $7,000 to remove roots from the springs was accepted from Manosh, Inc in Morrisville.

New leaks in water lines on School Street were repaired. In October, the work to repair the exposed lines due to flood damage on School Street was approved by FEMA. This work was completed in November at no cost to the homeowners or the Fire District.

Actions to collect delinquent accounts continued in the final quarter of 2023. In November, treasurer John Mandeville reported only five remaining delinquent accounts. In December, Mandeville reported three property liens had been filed and that one was settled with full payment of the bill.

The lead pipe assessment, required by the Federal government, was wrapped up and no lead was found in the distribution system. Letters were sent to all rate payers with the assessment information. The trustees will continue to identify the entry pipe composition with a few rate payers that MSK Engineering could not assess.

In the December meeting, strategies for dealing fines resulting from a 2019 State inspection were discussed in executive session.

The EHFD No. 1 is a municipal corporation formed under Vermont Statutes, Title 20, Chapter 171. The function of the district is to operate and maintain municipal water service for East Hardwick Village. It does this through a Prudential Committee comprised of five members elected by the rate payers who receive water service.

The minutes of the water board meetings and other information can be found on the district’s web site at ehfd.mystrikingly.com/. The next meeting is scheduled for January 17, 2023.

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