Greensboro, News

Area Volunteers Help Reduce Energy Bills

photo by Liz Steel
Beth Meacham, Greensboro, signs up for the $ave Energy NEK weatherization event at Town Meeting.

by Liz Steel, Community Journalist

GREENSBORO – Often the hardest part about home improvements is knowing where to start. Homeowners can feel overwhelmed, unsure of whom to trust to help them, and concerned that they will get talked into doing a project they cannot afford. In other words, the risks seem greater than the rewards.

Recognizing these challenges, volunteers from six local towns, Albany, Craftsbury, Glover, Greensboro, Hardwick and Stannard, created a multi-town energy efficiency education initiative, $ave Energy NEK. Their mission is to enable homeowners to take concrete steps towards improving the comfort of their homes while reducing energy bills.

With grant money from the statewide Municipal Energy Resilience Program (MERP), $ave Energy NEK has created a clear, concise and practical home action checklist for homeowners to use when assessing home improvement needs. The group has also collected success stories of the benefits homeowners have experienced following weatherization projects.

For example, home improvements to a single story 1872 antique property of 946 square feet, resulted in annual fuel savings of around $1,365. Air sealing and ventilation were dramatically improved to eliminate drafts, stale air and wood smoke. Insulation in both the attic and walls provided a difference to the comfort of the home. The project cost $8,000, but qualified for Efficiency Vermont rebates of $2,350, giving net out-of-pocket expenses of $5,650. Taking into consideration the annual fuel savings, this project paid for itself in just over four years and is now saving the homeowner a significant amount of money each year in reduced fuel bills.

Another priority for $ave Energy NEK was to compile a quick reference guide to local services and support for homeowners looking to start home improvement projects. The list includes resources to help with home energy audits, find contractors and get more information on air sealing, insulation and ventilation. The list provides links to the many different financial assistance options that homeowners can access, from free and income-assessed financing, to rebates and low interest loans. Details can be found at

$ave Energy NEK will be holding a series of community events through 2024 to give homeowners the opportunity to speak with local energy efficiency experts in person. The next event will be on March 19, 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., at Fellowship Hall, Greensboro United Church of Christ. The event will feature a panel of local experts sharing information and tips on home weatherization. The panel presentations will be followed by a series of question-and-answer sessions with the panelists and other local home improvement services. Efficiency Vermont, NECKA/Green Savings Smart, NETO, Window Dressers and Rural Edge will all be represented, together with local energy efficiency experts Mark Synder, Vermont Energy Audits and Bill Chidsey, Solar Harvester. Homeowner Craig Taylor will share his experience improving his home energy efficiency. To register call (802) 533-2531.

More information on $ave Energy NEK, including contact details of town representatives, can be found at

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