HARDWICK – For much of the past year, it has been easy for a passer-by to take note of the step-by-step progress made to the Jeudevine Memorial Library addition. A foundation poured, framing erected, walls added, building wrap attached, windows installed, exterior woodwork completed, stone entryways created, entry walkways tiled,[Read More…]
I Heard it Through the Jeudevine
Reports from Hardwick’s Jeudevine Library
Bricked-in No More
HARDWICK – 2025! We no longer need to think of the Jeudevine expansion project as a glimmering distant mirage attached to the phrases “in a couple of years” or even “next year.” This is the year, and perhaps even the season, within which the new space will be ready for[Read More…]
Phase 2 Underway, Breakthrough to Addition Slated
HARDWICK – Phase Two of the Jeudevine Library construction project is underway. By the time you read this, most, if not all, of the sheetrocking will be complete. Taping will quickly follow. Meanwhile, varying clusters of trustees have visited Diane at the library to pore over wood samples, carpet fragments[Read More…]
Interior Finish Work Begins Soon
HARDWICK – Outside operations on the Jeudevine addition have drawn to a close just in time to adjust our clocks. Lighting fixtures and handrails for outdoor stairs and walkways remain to be installed, but the Main Street terrace and West Church Street sidewalk have been completed. Trustee Andrea Brightenbach recently[Read More…]
Raise a Glass of Cider to the Jeudevine
HARDWICK – Some of you may have wondered if you actually felt the earth tremble under your feet; others may have cocked your heads, wondering was that a distant roaring you heard; or, even in the midst of this run of magnificent weather, did some feel an extra rush of[Read More…]
Much Remains to be Completed Inside
HARDWICK – The smooth new surface along North Main Street signals an end to the presence of heavy equipment at the construction site of the Jeudevine addition. Much remains to be completed inside, hopefully in the coming weeks. Attention has also been focused on the landscaping plan around both the[Read More…]
Library Addition Nearing Completion
HARDWICK – Grass is growing along the gentle slopes that grace the front of the Jeudevine, providing us with a glimpse of the new places we might soon sit with a good book or friend to pass a few idle moments. A small terrace sits immediately outside the entrance to[Read More…]
Bequest Benefits Library Landscaping
HARDWICK – Progress on the addition to the Jeudevine Library is a bit easier to track as the siding creates a more finished appearance to the building. Still, as one passes that way, it is quite clearly still a construction site. Eventually the heavy equipment and fencing will disappear. What[Read More…]
Renewing Worn Items, New Board Chair, Teen Advisory Board
HARDWICK – Last week the Jeudevine Library hosted Elena Brotz, a seamstress who is traveling by bicycle west-to-east from Burlington to Bar Harbor, Maine. Elena is in her final semester at the College of the Atlantic in Bar Harbor. She finds happiness in bringing back to life worn items of[Read More…]
Library Offers Eclipse Walk, Free Viewing Glasses and Board Tours Addition
HARDWICK – Welcome to “I Heard it Through the Jeudevine,” a monthly report aimed at keeping readers up to date with the latest information about the people, the books and events that combine to make the library a vital center for learning, information and fun. Of course, the event dominating[Read More…]