Dear Friend of The Hardwick Gazette,
No goods or services were provided in return for your donation(s).
Your gift allowed us to successfully end our first year as a nonprofit organization and gave us a good start in 2025. Without supporters like you, we would not be able to continue to bring The Hardwick Gazette to area communities.
Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions about your donations.
Thank you from the NEKPJ board,
Northeast Kingdom Public Journalism, Inc.
dba The Hardwick Gazette
82 Craftsbury Road, Greensboro, Vt.
P.O. Box 9, Hardwick, VT 05843
(802) 472-6521
Northeast Kingdom Public Journalism Inc. (NEKPJ), publisher of The Hardwick Gazette is now a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization. Your donations to NEKPJ and our dba The Hardwick Gazette, may be deductible since our founding on
December 19, 2023 depending on your tax situation.
Our Employer ID number is: 93-4922307.
We are qualified to receive tax deductible bequests, devises, transfers and gifts. Contact us to make arrangements for special gifts of any kind.
The Hardwick Gazette, 82 Craftsbury Road, Greensboro, VT 05841 | [email protected]