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Here’s an important item for Hardwick area readers, with weather coming in overnght Tuesday into Thursday morning. . .
Good Morning Hardwick Community, Wintery rain on snow. courtesy Photoshop AI With the upcoming weather and predicted rain amounts, we would like to remind everyone to pay attention to your local weather and relevant alerts.…
From the editor this week
You, dear readers, have brought joy to all of us who are involved with The Hardwick Gazette as our Giving Tuesday campaign winds down and funds keep arriving. We had…
The Hardwick Gazette is now a community-owned, non-profit publication of Northeast Kingdom Public Journalism. We depend on your donation to support our mission of producing fair and accurate local journalism, shining a light on all aspects of our communities and creating a forum for deeper engagement.
The Hardwick Gazette, 82 Craftsbury Road, Greensboro, VT 05841 | [email protected]