Police Reports

Police Reports 10/20/2021

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Hardwick Police

Media Log

October 4: Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Suspicious Event, Riverside Ter.; Threats/Harassment, School St.; Animal Problem, Atkins Ln.; Assist – Other, Wolcott St.; Assist – Other, Wolcott St.; Assist – Agency, School St.; Assist – Public, School St.

October 5: Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Slapp Hill; Theft, Vt. Rte. 16; Violation of Conditions of Release, School St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Mackville Rd.; Information, School St.; Assist – Agency, Vt. Rte. 16.

October 6: Assist – Agency, High St.; Traffic Stop, Dutton Rd.; Directed Patrol, Vermont Ave.; Theft, Cedar St.; Alarm, Wolcott St.; Food Patrol, S. Main St.

October 7: Directed Patrol, Donovan Ln.; Assist – Public, High St.; Assault, E. Church St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 14 S; Directed Patrol, Vermont Ave.; Intoxication, Evergreen Manor Dr.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Center Rd.

October 8: Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Alarm, Wolcott St.; Theft, Vt. Rte. 16; Traffic Stop, Vt. Rte. 14 S/Woodbury Town Line; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Rte. 15 W; Suspicious Event, River St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, N. Main St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 14 S; Directed Patrol, Glenside Ave.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W.

October 9: 911 Hangup, Center Rd.; Assist – Other, Wolcott St.; Assist – Other, Wolcott St.; Assist – Other, Wolcott St.; Suspicious Event, Evergreen Manor Dr.

October 10: Citizen Dispute, Dale St.; Suspicious Event, Dutton Rd.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St.; Citizen Dispute, Vt. Rte. 15 W.

October 11: Directed Patrol, Donovan Ln.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Motor Vehicle Complaint; Traffic Hazard, Renaud Rd.; Vandalism, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 15; Directed Patrol, Mackville Rd.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Directed Patrol, Upper Cherry St.; Welfare Check, Anairs Dr.

October 12: Fraud, Pine Dr.; Directed Patrol, Mackville Rd.; Welfare Check, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Suspicious Event, Mill St.

October 13: Alarm, Vt. Rte. 14 S; Accident – Property Damage On, Dutton Rd./Dusty Swamp Rd.; Fraud, Hays Dr.; Assist – Public, High St.; Suspicious Event, River St.; Welfare Check, Vt. Rte. 15 E.

October 14: Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Accident – Property Damage On, High St.; Radar Sign, Vermont Ave./Bridgeman Hill Rd.; Citizen Dispute, Highland Ave.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Spring St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 16; Directed Patrol, Glenside Ave.; Mental Health Incident, Vt. Rte. 16; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Juvenile Problem, Winter St.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.

October 15: Suspicious Event, Carey Rd.; Alarm, Kate Brook Rd.; Juvenile Problem, Hazen Union Dr.; Assist – Public, Highland Ave.; Directed Patrol, Vermont Ave.; Traffic Stop, Slapp Hill Rd.; Directed Patrol, Mackville Rd.; Directed Patrol, Glenside Ave.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Vt. Rte. 15.

October 16: Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Noise Disturbance, Mini Mart Dr.; Directed Patrol, Mackville Rd.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; Accident – Property Damage On, S. Main St.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St.; Traffic Stop, Vt. Rte. 15; Traffic Stop, Highland Ave.

October 17: Assist – Agency, High St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; VIN Verification, Craftsbury Rd.; Vandalism, Highland Ave.; Directed Patrol, Riverside Ter.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Traffic Stop, S. Main St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Directed Patrol, Glenside Ave.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.October 18: Directed Patrol, S. Main St.

Violation of Protection Order, Violation of Conditions of Release

On October 8, at 2:05 p.m., Margo D. Johnson, of Hardwick, was stopped on Rte. 15S in Hardwick. Police issued a $105 ticket for Vehicle Not Inspected.

On October 14, at 5:42 p.m., Damian R. Smith, of Barre, was stopped on S. Main St. in Hardwick. Police issued a $105 ticket for traveling at 35 mph in a 25mph zone.

On October 17, at 7:10 p.m., Dana P. Patten, of Greensboro, was stopped on S. Main St. in Hardwick. Police issued a $249 ticket for Operating While License Suspended.

Donald Stetson, of 142 High St., was cited for Violating a Protection Order which occurred on October 5 at 09:30, at 137 High St. He will appear at Caledonia Superior Court on November 8 at 12:30 p.m.

Kevin Fradette, of Hardwick, was cited into Caledonia Superior Court on November 9 at 8:30 a.m. On Sept. 21 Fradette was not in compliance with his conditions of release.

This report is based on information provided by the Hardwick Police Department but is not a full accounting of police activity. Persons named in this report are presumed to be innocent unless they plead or are found guilty in court.

Vermont State Police

Leaving the Scene, Threatening

On September 28, at 7:15 p.m., State Police responded to Cabot Rd. in Marshfield for the report of a one-vehicle crash involving a telephone pole. While Troopers were investigating the crash, a witness advised that the operator had been picked up by a passing vehicle and they were unable to be located. On October 15, Troopers made contact with Dakota Yorks, of Vernon, Conn., and he advised he was the operator of the vehicle when it crashed. Yorks was issued a citation to appear in Washington County Superior Court – Criminal Division on December 2, at 8 a.m. to answer to the charges of Leaving the Scene of an Accident and Negligent Operation.

On October 10, State Police responded to Cabot for a report of a violation of conditions of release. Subsequent investigation revealed that Wade Whitehouse, of Cabot, had been issued conditions of release earlier in the day and had violated those conditions by returning to his residence. Whitehouse left the residence and was issued a citation to appear in Washington County Superior Court – Criminal Division on October 12 at 12:30 p.m. to answer for his offense.

On October 13, at 9:10 a.m., State Police in Middlesex were made aware of a threatening incident. Subsequent investigation indicated that Anthony Russell, of Marshfield, had sent numerous threatening text messages to James Lamonda, of Montpelier. On October 18, Troopers located Russell and issued him a citation to appear in Court for the offense of Disturbing Peace by use of Telephone or other Electronic Communications.

This report is based on information provided by the Vermont State Police but is not a full accounting of police activity. Persons named in this report are presumed to be innocent unless they plead or are found guilty in court.

AWARE Report

HARDWICK – AWARE served five people of domestic and sexual violence from October 10 through October 17.

AWARE is a nonprofit organization, established in 1984, dedicated to resolving the causes and effects of domestic violence and sexual assault in the greater Hardwick area. The 24-hour hotline is 802-472-6463.

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The Hardwick Gazette

Newsroom: 82 Craftsbury Road Greensboro, Vt.

Hours: Mon. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tues 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed. 9 to 11 a.m., Fri. 8 a.m. to noon

Tel: (802) 472-6521

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Send mail to: The Hardwick Gazette, P.O. Box 9, Hardwick, VT 05843

Paul Fixx

Sandy Atkins, Raymonda Parchment, Dawn Gustafson, Paul Fixx

Dawn Gustafson

Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson, Dave Mitchell, Raymonda Parchment

Raymonda Parchment

Ken Brown
Eric Hanson

Tyler Molleur

Vanessa Fournier

Julie Atwood

Trish Alley, Sandy Atkins, Brendan Buckley, Elizabeth Dow, Hal Gray, Abrah Griggs, Henry Homeyer, Pat Hussey, Willem Lange, Cheryl Luther Michaels, Tyler Molleur, Kay Spaulding, Liz Steel, John Walters

Dayne Bell, Megan Cane, Brigitte Offord