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Free Radon Test Kits Available Through NCHC

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NORTHEAST KINGDOM – January is Radon Awareness Month. Northern Counties Health Care is distributing free radon test kits to residents of the NEK at primary care practices: Concord Health Center, Danville Health Center, Hardwick Area Health Center, Island Pond Health and Dental Center, and St. Johnsbury Community Health Center. Contact information to check on availability can be found at nchcvt.org/locations-providers/
Radon can cause lung cancer and is a radioactive gas that has no color, taste or smell. Radon enters homes through soil or water and can build up to high levels inside a home. Radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among people who do not smoke. If you smoke or used to smoke, your risk of getting lung cancer from radon is especially high.
The Northeast Kingdom’s bedrock geology is associated with higher levels of radon, which means you could have high levels of radon in your home. Testing is the only way to know. Learn more about radon in homes at healthvermont.gov/radon.

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