News, Walden

Town Report Available Feb. 25

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WALDEN – The select board met on February 13, and Town Clerk Deborah Messier reported that the final draft of the town report is at the printers and will be available on February 25. There will also be an information table at town meeting for the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail, VTrans, the Walden Historical Society and the Walden Cemetery Committee.

It was noted that the town auditors will not have a quorum after town meeting. There are two seats available: a two-year and three-year term by write-in. Any empty seat will be available by appointment of the board.

The board has not received a quote for an electrical emergency switch for the town garage, so the item is tabled until the February 27 meeting. The board discussed the updated extended warrantee available for the cab and chassis with plow and wing. Walden will place an order now for a 12-month delivery. An up-to-date price will be available in July, and the town can withdraw at any point without penalty.

The board interviewed Seth O’Brien for representative to the NEK Broadband Governing Board. O’Brien will send his resume to the town for consideration and the board will make a decision at the February 27 meeting.

Bills and two overweight permits were signed.

Present at the meeting were Robert Hatch, Brenda Huntoon, Randolph Wilson, Deborah Messier, Wilhelm Woelfle, Judy Clifford, and Seth O’Brien, and Lori Augustyniak by Zoom.

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Vanessa Fournier
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