Greensboro, News

110 Diners Enjoy Hot Chili on a Cold Night

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by Hal Gray

GREENSBORO – The Greensboro Free Library (GFL) held a chili dinner fundraiser Friday, March 3, in person this year before the snowstorm of Saturday. GFL trustees and their friends fed 110 people with various donated chilis, cornbread and dessert. Dinner was followed by musical and theatrical entertainment from local youth including singer-songwriter Piper Hall and folk musicians Maia and Kellon Mencucci, the Skillet Lickers.

Folk musicians Maia and Kellon Mencucci, the Skillet Lickers, entertain during the chili dinner fundraiser.
Greensboro Free Library Director Paula Davidson serves up cornbread at the chili dinner fundraiser.
Jennifer Lucas, librarian trustee and treasurer, accepts donations from diners.
Many diners in Greensboro’s Fellowship Hall contributed to the chili dinner fundraiser on March 3.
Virginia Lapierre (board of trustees chair), Beth Meacham (trustee) and Mary Metcalf (former librarian) supervise the chili dinner from the kitchen, with pots of chili in the foreground.

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