A total of 43 4-Hers from throughout the state participated in the 2023 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, March 11 in Burlington, including these top 10 finishers in the Senior Division: Front row (left to right): Torrey Hanna, Addison; Amy Vaughan, Newbury; Morgan White, Whiting; Brailey Livingston, New Haven; and Elizabeth Waterman, Thetford Center. Back row: Sadie Ellner, Morristown; Elizabeth Vaughan, Newbury; Patty Bruce, Wallingford; Steven Werner, Stannard; and Leah Rogers, Randolph Center.
BURLINGTON – At the 2023 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl on March 11, 4-Hers demonstrated their ability to quickly and accurately answer dairy-related questions under pressure.
The competition, held at the University of Vermont (UVM) in Burlington, attracted 43 competitors, ages 8 to 18. It included a written exam and several rounds of oral questions on a wide range of topics including cattle breeds, dairy nutrition, herd health, feeds and forages, anatomy, genetics, milk production and the dairy industry.
Up to 10 rosette ribbons were awarded in each age division with the top four seniors (ages 14-18) named to the State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Team that will represent Vermont in New England regional and national competitions this year.
Local seniors finishing in the top 10 included Steven Werner, Stannard (ninth).
Local 4-Hers who placed in younger age groups included 8- and 9-year-olds: Ryan Holbrook, Hardwick (seventh).
Assisting Wendy Sorrell, UVM Extension 4-H livestock educator, with the event were Melinda Birch, 4-H educator for Essex and Orleans Counties; Judy Vaughan, Newbury; and two members of the 2022 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Team, Liviya Russo, Lunenburg, and Lorryn Trujillo, North Clarendon.
Others volunteers included Becky Allen, Ferrisburgh; Courtney Banach, South Burlington; Adrianne Card, Williston; Stephanie Pope, Bridport; Emily Waterman, Thetford Center; Mercedes Werner, Stannard; and Cady White, Whiting.

Ten 4-H’ers competed in the 8- and 9-years-old division at the 2023 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl, March 11 in Burlington. They were: Front row (left to right): Rowdy Pope, Bridport; Olivia Tudhope, Orwell; Patrick Paquet, East Montpelier; Sutton Chittenden, Shoreham; and Thomas Allen, Ferrisburgh. Back row: Emily Palmer, Fairfax; Ryan Holbrook, Hardwick; Ella Pope, Shoreham; Faith Bromley, Wallingford; and Colt Card, Williston.