Craftsbury, News

Board Discusses What to do About Nuisance Dog

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by Gazette Staff

CRAFTSBURY – At its April 18 regular meeting, the Craftsbury Select Board discussed topics ranging from a nuisance dog to the Conservation Committee’s planned “Bio Blitz.”

The first topic for discussion was what to do about a nuisance dog. Animal Control Officer Kelly Carpenter reported that residents Kassity Ann and Andrew Marckres described unwanted interactions with a neighbor’s wandering dog: dead chickens, forced restrictions on pet dog leading to behavior issues, territorial markings; pet dog must now be crated. The nuisance dog’s most recent visit was a recent Sunday morning. They managed to scare off the dog but want to know what can be done to end the problem. They reported contacting the dog’s owner numerous times, who assured neighbors and animal control that something would be done, including promises to purchase an electronic collar. However, the problem persists. The dog has been back four times since; not every day, but once or twice a week. They say that it is not fair to have to punish their family dog over antics of the dog of an irresponsible pet owner. Many other residents also must reportedly deal with the dog disruptions. Carpenter cited 36 instances from different neighbors. She said that the dog is cared for but wanders off leash wherever it wants to.

The conclusion is that the excessive number of sightings and interactions with the owner warrant ticketing. After being ticketed more than three times, the options are: dog-ownership training, the dog is permanently kenneled and cannot be out anywhere off-leash, force the owner to give up dog, or banish dog from town (would require owner relinquishing ownership).

Next, the board discussed appointments to the Planning Commission. After discussion, the board voted Phil Lovely to the commission. The board also voted to approve liquor licenses for Blackbird Bistro and for the Outdoor Center.

The board also reviewed planning for Bulk Day, which has been held for the last two years. The date is June 17. The town budgeted $2,800 for this year. Four tires per household will be accepted for free, with a charge of $5 per tire above that allowance.

Under Committee Reports, the board voted to appoint Nancy Milholland and Doug Wolcik to the Conservation Commission. The commission has plans for a community-wide, year-long Bio Blitz, which pairs groups of naturalists with resident volunteers. Training is provided. The Bio Blitz is set for Craftsbury Wood Lot with 12 naturalists. The commission will also host a panel discussion titled “Tools of the Trade” on June 19, at 7 p.m., at Town Hall. The event is open to the public. Panelists include Conservation Planner Jens Hawkins-Hilke from the State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife’s Essex Junction office, Orleans County Forester Jared Nunery with LandCAN, Craftsbury Select Board Co-Chair Bruce Urie, and Vermont Land Trust Interim President Tracy Zschau.

The Energy Committee reported on an event that drew 15 people for splitting and delivering cords of wood. The committee also highlighted the availability of Window Dressers and inserts, and highlighted the contributions of Kevin Gregoire to the town and its residents.

The Antiques & Uniques committee reported a total of 62 vendors to date.

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