News, Wolcott

Select Board Seeking Suggestions for Rail Trail Celebration

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by Gazette Staff

WOLCOTT – At its June 7 regular meeting, the Wolcott Select Board discussed increasing traffic volumes due to rail trail users, options for the tax anticipation loan, and wastewater system planning.

Town Clerk and Treasurer Belinda Clegg stated that some of the residents on Corley Road said that some Lamoille Valley Rail Trail (LVRT) users are parking on both sides of Corley Road, impeding traffic. The road is wash-boarding from increased traffic volumes and signage may be necessary to address the problem. Board chair Linda Martin stated the board will take the matter under consideration.

Martin also announced that the rail trail celebration is scheduled for Saturday, July 15. The event starts at 7:30 a.m. in Swanton, with events in towns along the way, and ends at 7:30 p.m. in St. Johnsbury. It is anticipated that Governor Scott and Senator Sanders will make a water stop in Wolcott. The board is seeking ideas about how to celebrate that day.

The board went into executive session to discuss a personnel issue. After coming out of executive session, the board voted to place a letter in the personnel file of the transfer station attendant outlining the concerns of the board.

Treasurer Belinda Clegg reviewed financial documents with the board as an update prior to the fiscal year ending on June 30. Clegg discussed options for the tax anticipation loan. The cash management interest rate with Union Bank was 1.65 percent last year. This year, it is 3.08 percent. One option is a loan where the town would draw funds only when needed, with a reinvestment option, as was done last year. The second option is a non-revolving line of credit. After discussion, the board voted to take the first option with Union Bank to borrow $380,000 with an interest rate of 3.80 percent to cover anticipated expenses for the next fiscal year. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that are invested in a CD will be reinvested when the CD matures in the fall.

Seth Jensen, deputy director, Lamoille County Planning Commission (LCPC), reported on the agency’s continuing work with the Wastewater Committee. The board also heard from the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Water’s Emily Hackett (Water Investment Division) and Achouak Arfaoui (Indirect Discharge Program). Also in the discussion were Peter Lazorchak, senior water resources engineer, and Amy Macrellis, senior water quality specialist, with the consulting firm, Stone Environmental. The group discussed a preliminary engineering report and options, as well as potential opportunities for next steps. After discussion the board voted to move forward with the state revolving loan program option. Bruce Wheeler, wastewater committee member, stated that economic growth needs a wastewater system, and this project is a great opportunity for the town. Additional members are being sought for the committee. The board will review the completed wastewater funding application at its June 21 meeting.

It was reported that the broken vents at the landfill have been replaced. The litter committee is considering a date for this year’s Bulk Waste Day. The transfer station fees are comparable to other local facilities. Consideration must be given to an assistant to help the transfer station attendant once the Department of Corrections program ends in July.

The board voted to accept a bid from Bill Allen for roadside mowing in the amount of $9,000, the same amount as last year, on condition that the single bid complies with the board’s purchasing policy. It noted that roadside mowing could spread invasive plant species. If roadsides are mowed now, before the plants seed, they would have to be mowed again before fall. The better option may be for folks living along roadsides that are mowed to mark areas they do not wish to have mowed.

The road foreman’s report detailed a quote from Pike Industries for repaving work on North Wolcott Road. The costs would be $224,000, $275,000, or $424,000, depending on the work done. The board voted to accept the option for paving and shimming 7,000 feet of North Wolcott Road at a cost of $224,000.

The highway department is working on grading and berm removal. Roadside mowing is upcoming.

Brush cutting and guardrail installation have been completed. Hauling winter sand has started. Board vice chair Kurt Klein is working on a grant to increase signage on roads. Work is underway on the Town Hill culvert project. The road foreman is working with the engineer. A survey is being done on the property.

It was also announced that the board is seeking an individual to represent the town at LVRT meetings. For more information, or to indicate an interest in serving, residents should call (802) 888-4376, or email [email protected].

The contract for law enforcement services to be provided the town of Wolcott by the Lamoille County Sheriff’s Office will be signed on behalf of the board. Kurt Klein will serve as the authorized contact person for the sheriff’s office when an animal is seized.

The board then voted to authorize the purchase of a shed from Town & Country to be delivered and set up by the town office at a cost not to exceed $5,000, using ARPA funds.

The next regular select board meeting is scheduled for June 21.

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