To the editor:
My name is Shawn T. Hallisey. I am a candidate for the Democratic Primary for the State Senate 20th District. I have been a resident of Waterford for 16 years and am a nursing home administrator. I am currently at Union House in Glover. I have worked at
Barre Gardens and Burlington Health and Rehabilitation for Priority Healthcare Group for four years, Greensboro Nursing Home for one year, and St. Johnsbury Health and Rehabilitation for just about 10 years.
It was an amazing run at St. Johnsbury H & R. The team and I transformed the center from one star to five stars. The center was listed in US News and World Report as a top 100 performing centers in the country.
We also had several years of deficiency-free surveys. My motto for this success is to listen, learn and lead.
I chose to enter the race to use my advocacy skills for all residents of the county, to assist, guide, and help constituents with issues and to assure that we are all well represented at the state house for the future growth and protection of our county.
I have a lengthy list of issues that I feel are important to all of us and our future:
The economy. We all need to work hard to roll back prices and reduce the cost of everyday living. If we do not reduce inflation, we could price ourselves out of existence.
Education: It is vital to provide our children with a great education so our county and country can compete in the future.
The environment: We must protect the planet that sustains us.
Healthcare for all: reducing the cost for all.
A few other issues would be the homeless, mental healthcare, the elderly, childcare, affordable housing, and protection of our rural and farming heritage and traditions. We must do all of this without continually raising taxes. Double digit tax hikes are not sustainable.
So, I enter this primary to offer the citizens a choice between someone who is one with the community and not a handpicked endorsed candidate.
I look forward to meeting you on the campaign trail.
Shawn T. Hallisey
Hallisey is running as a Democrat-Republican for the Caledonia Senate District Towns of Barnet, Danville, Groton, Hardwick, Peacham, Ryegate, St. Johnsbury, Stannard, Walden, Waterford, and Wheelock, as well as Newbury from Orange County.