EAST MONTPELIER – The Twin Valley Senior Center (TVSC) will host a cribbage tournament on Saturday, September 21. Registration is at 9 a.m., with the play starting at 10 a.m. Singles play six games against six different opponents. The top six players compete for prize money. There will be a consolation round for those not qualifying in the main tournament. Cards and boards will be furnished with a 24-hand pool and a 50-50 raffle.
Morning refreshments and lunch are included in the $30 registration fee. For more information or to register early contact Tom McGibney, (802) 379-7706, (802) 223-3081 or [email protected]. The senior center is located at 4583 U.S. Route 2. Visit twinvalleyseniors.org to learn more about TVSC the many services and activities they provide.