MONTPELIER – The T.W. Wood Gallery will hold a new series of adult art classes for September. These classes are designed for both beginners and experienced artists. The classes include: Life Drawing/Painting Drop – In on Thursdays, starting September 12, 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. This class offers an environment for artists of all levels to practice figure drawing or painting with a live, nude model. No instruction is provided.
Other classes include The Grand Tour and American Art on Tuesdays, Sept.10 to October 1, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This art history course will examine the history of the European Grand Tour and its influences on American art and architecture, including in the work of Vermont natives T.W. Wood, Truman Seymour, and William Rutherford Mead. Also Drawing for All Levels on Mondays, Sept. 9 through Sept. 30, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. With minimal materials, students will hone their drawing skills through a series of demonstrations and exercises with practice in contour drawing, still lifes and landscapes.
Another class will be offered in Still Life in Pastel, Tuesdays, Sept. 10 through Oct. 1, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. This class is designed for beginners as well as those who have some experience. Students will be introduced to the materials used in pastel work, and discuss the elements of designing a painting.
Classes are taught by experienced local artists, and are open to students age 16 and up. Scholarships and payment plans available. For more details and to register, visit the gallery’s adult art classes page. The gallery is located at 46 Barre Street, phone (802) 262-6035, email [email protected]