Another Opinion, Editorial

Imagine the Possibilities

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GREENSBORO – Two issues are tightly bound: the need for housing and a space to be in community.

Greensboro is often referred to as a place with wealth. And it is. But even beyond financial wealth, let’s remember there is also a wealth of spirit and heart in the people who live in this community, from the Bend up through the village and beyond. So I am wondering if some major backer, or a group of backers, would be willing to donate financially, and invest in bringing our town hall up to date, so it can fulfill what I am hearing from so many: the need for all the people of Greensboro to have a dedicated community space. Just imagine what could become of that space besides continuing its current use of The Giving Closet, town offices, the Gazette and studio space. It could house a senior center, with classes; after-school and other kids’ events; a daycare; bring back dances, and more. The doors could be open to our imagination, together. Such a donation would be an incredible gift to this community (not to mention a good tax write-off) and could help heal one part of this divide growing in our area.

And, while I’m at it, could or would one or more folks who have substantial land in this town, whether near the town hall or farther away, envision one or more ways to create some cluster housing on that land? That could go a long way toward creating more affordable housing. We can still have open land and be a community willing to attract more people, even (hopefully) young individuals and families, who in turn would be attracted to all we have to offer: including a dedicated community center where we all could come together around, celebrate and experience, all the variety of ways to really be in community with one another. 

And, one last thing: should or could we consider working to amend our town’s land-use policies, so that land which has been conserved in one form or the other, might be re-imagined as being “conserved” for affordable housing and community-building?

Nancy S. Riege

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