
Hardwick Gazette Town Meeting Day Planner

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Town Meeting Day is Tues. Mar. 5 unless otherwise  notedPolling/Meeting PlaceTownMeeting TimePolls Open for Presidential Primary & Local VotesTown Articles voted by Australian BallotSchool Budget Votes  for Fiscal Year 2025School District Meetings, Town Informational Meetings, and Other Information`
Tuesday, March 5 (unless otherwise noted)
CabotMarch 5 (Tues.)Willey Building10 a.m.7 a.m. until 7 p.m.None – floor vote onlyCabot School Dist. budget, directors and grade 9-12 school closing by Aust. Ballot**Mar. 4 (Mon.), 6:30 p.m. Cabot School District annual meeting to transact business not decided by Aust. Ballot
Calais*March 5 (Tues.)Calais Elementary School9:30 a.m. with remote option*7 a.m. until7 p.m.Select board, Lister, other itemsWashington Central UU School Dist. & Central VT Career Ctr. School Dist. budget by Aust. Ballot*Town meeting lunch available
CraftsburyMarch 5 (Tues.)Craftsbury Academy GymFollowing9 a.m. Town School Dist. mtng.9 a.m. until 7.p.m., Pres. primary onlyNone, floor vote only9 a.m. Craftsbury Town School Dist.None, floor voting only 
GreensboroMarch 5 (Tues.)Lakeview Elementary School Gym10 a.m. 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.None, floor vote onlyMountainview Union Elem. & Hazen Union budgets by Aust. BallotFeb. 28 (Wed.), 7 p.m. Hazen Union budget hearing followed by School Dist. annual meeting no earlier than 7:30 p.m., Hazen Union Aud. 
HardwickMarch 5 (Tues.)Hardwick Elem. School10 a.m.9 a.m. until 7 p.m.Select board & School Dist directorsMountainview Union Elem. & Hazen Union budgets by Aust. BallotFeb. 28 (Wed.), 7 p.m. Hazen Union budget hearing followed by School Dist. annual meeting no earlier than 7:30 p.m., Hazen Union Aud.
MarshfieldMarch 3 (Sun.)Old School-house Common1 p.m.9 a.m, until 7 p.m.None, floor vote onlyTwinfield Union School District budget by Aust. BallotA flood response discussion is being considered for before or after Town Meeting.
Plainfield Not yet scheduledPlainfield Town Hall Opera HouseNot yet scheduled9 a.m. until 7 p.m.Officers only, no date set for budget voteTwinfield Union School Dist. budget by Aust. BallotInformation not yet available
StannardMarch 5 (Tues.)Stannard Town Hall9 a.m.10 a.m. until 7 p.m.None, floor vote only9 a.m. Stannard Town School Dist. budget by floor voteMountainview Elem. School Dist. budget by Aust. Ballot
Walden*March 5 (Tues.)Walden Elementary School10 a.m. 10 a.m. until 7 p.m.Town officers onlyApr. 2 (Tues.), 10 a.m. until 7 p.m. Cal. COOP/Walden School budget by Aust. Ballot*Town Meeting lunch available 
WolcottMarch 5 (Tues.)Wolcott Elem. School9 a.m.8 a.m. until 7 p.m.Town officers onlyWolcott Town School Dist. annual meeting following Town MeetingFeb. 29 (Thurs.), 6 p.m. Wolcott Town School Dist. budget meeting
WoodburyMarch 2 (Sat.)Woodbury Elementary School10 a.m.7 a.m. until 7 p.m.None, floor vote onlyMountainview Union Elem & Hazen Union budgets by Aust. BallotFeb. 28: 7 p.m. Hazen Union FY25 Budget Hearing followed by School Dist. ann. mtng. no earlier than 7:30 p.m., Hazen Union AuditoriumFeb 29: 6 p.m. – 8 p.m. Pre-Town Meeting forum, Woodbury School Gym

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Paul Fixx

Dawn Gustafson

Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson

Ken Brown
Eric Hanson

Vanessa Fournier

Julie Atwood

Trish Alley, Sandy Atkins, Brendan Buckley, Elizabeth Dow, Hal Gray, Henry Homeyer, Pat Hussey,Willem Lange, Cheryl Luther Michaels, Tyler Molleur, Liz Steel. John Walters

Megan Cane, Raymonda Parchment, Olivia Saras