Editorial, Letters to the Editor

She’s Not Extreme

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To the editor:

Politicians tend to make statements like, “I support affordable housing, small rural schools, clean water,” or my favorite “I will work to address climate change.” They all say this stuff because who wouldn’t if you want voters’ support.

What bugs me is a rare few will delve into the details of how we achieve common goals around affordability, great schools, and a pristine environment. What government policies and programs are needed or should change to achieve what we all want? And who is going to pay because non-market housing, computers, teachers, water testing, waste disposal, weaning society off of fossil fuels and much more cost money?

Many pols are also eager to be against stuff. It’s easy to say what you don’t like and being anti about (you name it) Act 250, paying property taxes, the gas tax is painless. Trouble is, if not that, then how will we address sensible land use, safe communities and education and transportation funding? That’s hard.

Katherine Sims also makes all the right political statements, but unlike others she has the smarts and experience to dive into the legal, economic, social and other complexities of law making. She then communicates what she’s learned back to her constituents and really listens, resulting in well-informed positions on bills critical to the communities that she serves. As her time in the House has shown, her outreach efforts are continuous and don’t stop when the election is over.

What Katherine is hearing now is no surprise, many are being priced out of living here. Wages aren’t keeping up with inflation and the increasing costs of housing, food, transportation and health care. She strongly believes that, unlike big corporations and the wealthy whose stock portfolios are surging, low and moderate income Vermonters should not be expected to contribute more and the state must contain the cost of living to the extent it can.

It’s obvious to me that this capable and articulate woman should now run as our state senator. She’s not extreme, has solid values and balances what she knows and hears in order get things done, not just talk.

Please join me and vote for Katherine Sims for the Senate’s Orleans District in November.

Gina Campoli

Craftsbury Common

Gina Campoli

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