Craftsbury, Education, Greensboro, News, Schools, Wolcott

New faculty and staff at Area Schools

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photo by Vanessa Fournier
New faculty and staff at Craftsbury Schools include (front row, from left): Lisa McCarthy, principal; Penny Paquette, nurse; Sarah Pulaski, K-3 literacy interventionist; Emily Sorensen, instructional assistant. Back row (from left): CJ Levine, grade 4/5 teacher; Joe Demers, custodian; Frances Bennett, prek teacher; Tom Drake, middle school math teacher. Missing from the photo are Ashley Nunery, grade 2 teacher; Stephen Welch, k-12 athletic director; Jay Terrien, 6-12 music teacher; Tammy Mason and Angela Geoffroy, food service assistants and Madeline Sullivan-Drake, instructional assistant.
photo by Vanessa Fournier
New faculty and staff at Lakeview Elementary School are (from left) Beth Parker, principal; Josie Reed, nurse RN; Sharon Caroli, kindergarten-grade 1 teacher; Robin Schilling, Pre-K teacher; and Christine Martin, Pre-K instructional assistant. Missing from the picture are Jonathan Chatfield, music teacher; Rachel Cole, academic interventionist; and Lisa Tuck, OSSU nurse leader.
photo by Vanessa Fournier
New faculty and staff at Wolcott Elementary School include (from left) Katie Yoskowitz, kindergarten teacher; Letty Hill, guidance counselor; Amber Allen, first-grade teacher; Jonathan Chatfield, music teacher; Ally Estepp, instructional assistant; and Alicia Coburn, administrative assistant. Missing from the photo is Rui Zhu Pougnier, food service assistant.

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Ken Brown
Eric Hanson
Vanessa Fournier
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Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson

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