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Public Meeting on Lands Management Planning Rule, Sept. 19

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MONTPELIER – The Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) will hold a public meeting on Thursday, Sept. 19, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Hazen Union High School, 126 Hazen Union Drive, to present a draft rule to guide the management planning process for lands owned and managed by ANR on August 27. The public is invited to comment on the draft rule until November 1.  

ANR owns and manages approximately 375,000 acres of public lands across the State of Vermont through its three departments: the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks and Recreation (FPR); Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (FWD); Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). These lands provide value by supporting diverse wildlife habitats, offering recreational opportunities, preserving natural resources, enhancing the state’s resilience to climate change and contributing significantly to the well-being of the environment and the prosperity of local communities.   

Management plans are the guiding documents that determine how public lands are managed and that outline the approach for balancing these different demands on and for state lands. 

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The Hardwick Gazette

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