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Cemetery Sleuthing Talk, October 12

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EAST CRAFTSBURY — Erin E. Moulton will describe the meaning behind cemetery iconography, abbreviations and epitaphs at the Craftsbury Community Care Center, East Craftsbury Road,  Saturday, Oct. 12, from 3 p.m. to to 4 p.m.

Moulton explains that the local cemetery is a time capsule with each headstone plastered with clues about the deceased, those who once walked where you can  walk now. Moulton’s book, “The Beginner’s Guide to Cemetery Sleuthing: Scavenger Hunt and Workbook” will be available for purchase at the close of the program.

Moulton writes books and tracks dead people. As a genealogical researcher, she has explored the lives of the departed for over 14 years. She is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists, the New Hampshire Historical Society, and the New Hampshire Society of Genealogists and holds a B.A. from Emerson College, an M.F.A. from the Vermont College of Fine Arts, and a Certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University.

The program is a collaboration between the Craftsbury Community Care Center, the John Woodruff Simpson Memorial Library in East Craftsbury, the Hitchcock Memorial Museum and Library in Westfield and is supported by Vermont Humanities.

Contact the library with questions at (802) 586-9692 or email [email protected]

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