To the editor:
As residents of NEK since 1977 we have seen changes and understand the future of the region depends on strong and thoughtful legislators. Emily and I know Katherine Sims both personally and as our Vermont House member. We are pleased Katherine is continuing her passionate work for the NEK as she runs for the senate. Katherine brings a commitment to our rural communities, forestry and agriculture, and the need for strong schools and healthcare.
As a consulting forester and on the Lake Region Union High School Board I cannot say enough about the support Katherine has provided as a leader in the house’s rural caucus. She understands the importance of the Use Value Appraisal program critical to maintaining well managed and economically sound forest and agricultural lands. She appreciates the impacts of climate change and will work to reduce its impact on our infrastructure and the environment. Her commitment to science and practical solutions and a fundamental understanding of our stressed rural economy is the legislative leadership needed to develop solutions that work for everyone. Personally, Katherine was responsive in providing me as the finance committee chair for our high school board with information on school funding.
Emily, now retired, taught in Glover for 39 years and has witnessed challenges facing small rural schools while schools must provide ever-growing services creating fiscal struggles. She appreciates Katherine’s commitment to our schools and her recognizing the challenges our communities face. Proper funding of our schools is necessary to provide opportunities for our current residents but also to attract investment from business owners looking for NEK opportunities.
Katherine knows we need to ensure access to education for all kids at a price property taxpayers can afford. We know she’ll be advocating for a straightforward, easy-to-understand funding formula that ensures fairness and cost containment measures that address the rising expenses driving up education costs.
Katherine’s passion, thoroughness, and willingness to listen to all viewpoints as she assesses the facts, the science, and the inputs of the region’s citizens is exactly what the NEK needs in all its legislators. That means working together to develop and implement legislation that serves the needs of all the residents of Vermont. Emily and I trust that the voters of the district will support Katherine as she dedicates her work to support all of us.
Emily and Richard (Carbo) Carbonetti