Editorial, Letters to the Editor

She Works to Understand

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To the editor:

Hardwick, Walden, and Stannard residents are fortunate that Sabrina Morrison is on the November ballot for the Caledonia-2 state representative seat in the Vermont Legislature.

She is honest, straightforward, and hard-working. Sabrina works to understand issues so she can support solutions that work. Whether it’s school taxes, health care, housing, or climate change, we need real policy solutions. And we need a representative we can rely on to listen and do the work to understand those issues, consider the impact on people in the district, and ask the thoughtful questions that lead to solid solutions.

Sabrina does this in her business, she does this with her family, she does this in her school board work. It’s who she is. She will do it in the Vermont House.

Let’s send Sabrina to the State House to work for us. Please remember to vote, and vote Sabrina Morrison for state representative on November 5.

Paul Cillo


Paul Cillo

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