HARDWICK – Local author Dede Avery seeks submissions of poetry, which will be posted in windows along Main Street in April in celebration of National Poetry Month. Submissions are open through February 28.
Submissions are limited to one poem per person; the poem can be any form but must be original; poems with offensive language or content will not be accepted; poems may not be edited after submission; poems are limited to 20 lines, including line spaces, due to formatting, in .doc, .docx, or .rft.
Send submission as email attachment to [email protected] or mail to VerseVillage c/o D. Avery/ PO Box 74/ Woodbury, VT 05681. Be sure to put VerseVillage in the subject line of the email.
Front Seat Coffee will feature three short poems (not necessarily haiku) on their coffee cups for the month of April. This can be a second submission if you’d like to have your work considered for the “Poetry Cup.” Put VerseVillage coffee cup in the subject line of the email submission.