Editorial, Weeks Gone By

100 Years Ago This Week, January 22, 1925

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The terrible cold snap of Sunday night and Monday morning caused another hot water front accident, in which the lady of the house had a miraculous escape from almost certain death. When Mrs. Norman Michaud started the fire in her kitchen stove Monday morning there was an extra nice bed of live coals. She put in some wood and soon had a good fire. She never thought but what the water was all right. Mrs. Michaud happened to be standing rather back of the stove or very near the hot water tank, when suddenly there was a terrible explosion which practically demolished the stove except the case and the reservoir. The griddles were thrown to the ceiling and pieces of the stove went hurtling through the kitchen window on the side next to the Hooper house, and other parts were hurled promiscuously about the kitchen, causing considerable damage to the room but most fortunately the explosion threw everything outward and upwards and Mrs Michaud was untouched. There were other freezeups of water pipes about the village and Sunday evening the fire truck was called out to care for a chimney fire and again Monday morning the truck and two men took care of another chimney fire. We have also heard reports from the farming districts that water pipes had frozen and caused great inconvenience in many ways.

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Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson, Dave Mitchell, Raymonda Parchment

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