To the editor:
Many (most?) do not know that the Mountain View Union Elementary School District (MVUESD) board has voted to move all preschool students (ages 3-5) to the Lakeview campus and the MVUESD administration has recommended that all kindergarten students be moved there as well, creating what they’re calling an early education center. All students currently at Lakeview not in those grade levels will attend other district schools.
Two areas that need significant clarification before moving forward with this early education center: the financial impact of this plan and how this plan is going to address Act 76 requirements.
This is an emotional conversation for all communities involved. Sharing the financial impact of this proposal could help provide another lens to address this situation given that all feel so strongly for their home campuses and towns.
We keep being told that this early education center is going to solve all of the problems created by Act 76. I’m unclear on how this plan will solve the issue of needing space when following through with moving preschool/kindergarten would only create six more preschool spots.
There was mention at the Q&A that the Lakeview library could be converted to another classroom. If this is the plan, then we need to address those costs now. Not doing so will continue the pattern of sneaky, dishonest communication tactics that we’ve seen far too much of in the last month from MVUESD admin and board.
Samantha Collins