Editorial, Legislative Report

Energy and Digital Infrastructure Committee Considers Two Bills

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The Legislative session has started. The first two weeks have been busy. I have been placed on the Energy and Digital Infrastructure Committee. Two bills have been assigned to our committee so far. H.11 is an act relating to consumer protections applicable to broadband and VoIP services. The other is H.16, an act relating to repealing the Affordable Heat Act (Clean Heat Standard). The committee has been receiving information on the Affordable Heat Act and I am hoping it will be taken up in committee soon. I will be supporting H.16.

In total, there have been 43 bills introduced into the House of Representatives. There will be many more in the upcoming weeks. I will continue to report on the progress of bills in my assigned committee throughout the session as well as others. If you have internet access, all bills can be followed by going to legislature.vermont.gov.

Michael Southworth

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