To the editor:
I admire the effort, strength and resolve required to publish the “hometown” Hardwick Gazette.
Clearly a team effort by you and the staff.
End result: an impressive publication of news about NEK and the people within.
Success is a rare commodity in today’s era of newspapers closing doors. When a hometown newspaper goes out of business it is a major loss to the surrounding community…the loss of heart and soul. Communication between neighbors suffers. A common bond is broken.
It happened here in Central Florida. We are a community forever changed.
In my three decades of vacationing in Vermont, I can’t remember if I’ve ever been to Hardwick. Yet I admire what you are accomplishing and enjoy the online read.
Keep up the great work.
A $1,000 donation check is included. May it inspire a continued effort to publish.
Ed Okie
Lake Wales, Fla.