Two students, Blake Lyons (left) and Bryce Leipzig, role-play asking for, and giving, consent in a low-risk environment at Sterling College during AWARE training to bring awareness to healthy conversations and prevent sexual violence, January 27. courtesy photo
Twenty-eight Sterling College students attend consent training to bring awareness to healthy conversations and prevent sexual violence, with AWARE staff members, Ashley Gravel (standing) and Abrah Griggs (seated, to right), January 27. courtesy photo
Send mail to: The Hardwick Gazette, P.O. Box 9, Hardwick, VT 05843
EDITOR Paul Fixx
ADVERTISING Sandy Atkins, Raymonda Parchment, Dawn Gustafson, Paul Fixx
CIRCULATION Dawn Gustafson
PRODUCTION Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson, Dave Mitchell, Raymonda Parchment
REPORTER Raymonda Parchment
SPORTS WRITERS Ken Brown Eric Hanson
PHOTOGRAPHER Vanessa Fournier
CONTRIBUTORS Trish Alley, Sandy Atkins, Brendan Buckley, Elizabeth Dow, Hal Gray, Abrah Griggs, Henry Homeyer, Pat Hussey, Willem Lange, Cheryl Luther Michaels, Tyler Molleur, Kay Spaulding, Liz Steel, John Walters