WOODBURY— The select board called a special meeting to order, January 21, to finalize the town budget for the 2026 fiscal year and approve the warning for town meeting.
Michael Gray updated the board on the status of pending grants from VTrans, for various road work projects. Some projects have already been approved, others are pending applications.
One is located on King Pond Road, the other on Wilbur Road.
The board discussed whether or not to include them in the overall budget. They determined the total cost goes in the expenditure side of the budget, and the grant amount goes into the income side. This results in the match being the only expense to the town. However, the grants do make the budget seem more inflated.
The board decided to remove the Valley Lake Road culvert project from the list for 2026, as the application process has not begun, meaning it is highly unlikely the work could be completed in the short construction window of July to September 2025.
Brandy Smith led the board through a line-by-line review of the previously approved budget numbers, with some additions.
Totals were approved for expenditures. Highway was approved for $775,882 and General for $570,426, a total of $1,346,308. This number will be reduced by expected income. The expenditure numbers will be listed for voter approval in the town meeting warning.
The board discussed the addition of Lilly Baron as the new town treasurer. She will start work and training on Monday, Feb. 3.
Raymobda Parchment is a Hardwick Gazette reporter. She recently graduated from Vermont State University - Castleton with a Bachelor’s in English. She is a strong supporter of freedom of speech, and the right to publish information, opinions, and ideas without censorship or restraint. She is a lifelong lover of the written word, and is excited to join the team as a staff member.