Editorial, Greensboro, Letters to the Editor

Disregard of the Voices of the People

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To the editor:

After just attending the select board special meeting (that was today at 10 a.m., in case you missed it!), I just wanted the voters of our community to be aware the previously “promised” Australian ballot vote on the proposed conveyance of the Town Hall building to Rural Edge has now been moved to an in person, “from the floor” vote at town meeting.
The select board will warn this vote in the newspapers. This item will not be printed in the Town Report, but the select board may look into trying to do a separate mailing on the issue.
There was a blatant disregard of the voices of the people (three registered voters) that spoke up at the meeting to maintain the aforementioned democratic process that was promised to our community.
This is maximum obfuscation by the select board and is intentionally absolutely minimizing the number of voters who can participate in this most important question our community is facing at this present moment. You must first become aware of the vote and then be at town meeting at HCA at the time of the vote in order to have a voice.
Whatever the limitations are that could possibly prevent our community members from attending the meeting in person, whether it be scheduling, illness, mobility or something else, should not prevent them from being able to participate in the possible conveyance of our town hall building! 

Elissa Mackin

Elissa Mackin

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