Editorial, Letters to the Editor

Leash Required for Safe Trails

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To the editor:

The goal of the Hardwick Trails Committee is to ensure that all residents can have access to our beautiful trail network, and feel safe in doing so. It was therefore deeply disturbing to read a January 22 Facebook page message from a woman who snowshoes on the trails several times a week, accompanied by her leashed dog. Our policy is that all dogs on the trails should be leashed. This policy aligns with the Hardwick Dog Control Ordinance, which specifies that unleashed dogs are subject to impoundment and the owners can incur fines.

This woman recounted a recent terrifying experience with a highly aggressive unleashed dog who raced 200 feet toward her in order to attack her dog. He was reportedly “barking, biting, growling and snapping,” and was so close to this individual and her dog that she was unable to fend him off. Her dog was saved from injury because it was wearing a heavy winter parka that had neck protection. The aggressive dog owner was on skis and also had a second unleashed dog with him, who thankfully did not join in this aggression. The skier reportedly said that he was sorry as he skied by, but left this trail user badly shaken and unsure of her safety in future use of the trails.

We implore trail users with dogs to please follow our leashing policy. We count on trail users to honor this basic safety guideline so that we can ensure safe access for all residents.

The complete Hardwick Dog Control Ordinance can be found at https://hardwickvt.gov.

Helen Beattie
East Hardwick

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