Police Reports

Hardwick Police Media Log

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January 19: Animal Problem, Rte. 16; Medical, Creamery Road; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Lower Cherry St.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Spring St.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Terrace Hill Road; Directed Patrol, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.

January 20: Fingerprints, High St.; TRO/FRO Service, Vt. Rte. 16; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Church St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; DUI, Mackville Road; Welfare Check, Vt. Rte. 16; Transport, High St.

January 21: Medical, S. Main St.; Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Violation of Conditions of Release, Vt. Rte. 15 W; VIN Verification, High St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.

January 22: Alarm, Wolcott St.; Juvenile Problem, Houston Hill Road; Directed Patrol, Hazen Union Drive; Juvenile Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Welfare Check, Spruce Drive; Assist – Motorist, Spring St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Granite St.; Threats/Harassment, S. Main St.

January 23: Juvenile Problem, Mackville Road; Assist – Public, Marshall St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Accident – LSA, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Directed Patrol, Hazen Union Drive; Fingerprints, High St.; VIN Verification, Whetstone Brook Road; Traffic Stop, Belfry Road; Dead Body in residence, Main St.; Traffic Hazard, Wolcott St.

January 24: Fingerprints, High St.; Medical, Hazen Union Drive; Parking Problem, S. Main St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Dutton Road; Medical, Pleasant St.; Foot Patrol, Wolcott St./S. Main St.; Traffic Stop, Cottage St./Lower Cherry St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Accident – Injury to Person(s), Mill St.

January 25: Dead Body, Farr St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Suspicious Event, Wolcott St./Main St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Cottage St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Brook St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Granite St.

January 26: Snowmobile, Lamoille Valley Rail Trail; Accident – Property Damage Only, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Trespassing, Vt. Rte. 14 S; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Unsecure Premis, Wolcott St.

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Paul Fixx

Sandy Atkins, Raymonda Parchment, Dawn Gustafson, Paul Fixx

Dawn Gustafson

Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson, Dave Mitchell, Raymonda Parchment

Raymonda Parchment

Ken Brown
Eric Hanson

Tyler Molleur

Vanessa Fournier

Julie Atwood

Trish Alley, Sandy Atkins, Brendan Buckley, Elizabeth Dow, Hal Gray, Abrah Griggs, Henry Homeyer, Pat Hussey, Willem Lange, Cheryl Luther Michaels, Tyler Molleur, Kay Spaulding, Liz Steel, John Walters

Megan Cane, Brigitte Offord