January 19: Animal Problem, Rte. 16; Medical, Creamery Road; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Lower Cherry St.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Spring St.; Traffic Stop, S. Main St./Terrace Hill Road; Directed Patrol, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.
January 20: Fingerprints, High St.; TRO/FRO Service, Vt. Rte. 16; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Church St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Mill St.; DUI, Mackville Road; Welfare Check, Vt. Rte. 16; Transport, High St.
January 21: Medical, S. Main St.; Directed Patrol, S. Main St.; Violation of Conditions of Release, Vt. Rte. 15 W; VIN Verification, High St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.
January 22: Alarm, Wolcott St.; Juvenile Problem, Houston Hill Road; Directed Patrol, Hazen Union Drive; Juvenile Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Welfare Check, Spruce Drive; Assist – Motorist, Spring St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Granite St.; Threats/Harassment, S. Main St.
January 23: Juvenile Problem, Mackville Road; Assist – Public, Marshall St.; Animal Problem, Vt. Rte. 15; Accident – LSA, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Directed Patrol, Hazen Union Drive; Fingerprints, High St.; VIN Verification, Whetstone Brook Road; Traffic Stop, Belfry Road; Dead Body in residence, Main St.; Traffic Hazard, Wolcott St.
January 24: Fingerprints, High St.; Medical, Hazen Union Drive; Parking Problem, S. Main St.; Motor Vehicle Complaint, Dutton Road; Medical, Pleasant St.; Foot Patrol, Wolcott St./S. Main St.; Traffic Stop, Cottage St./Lower Cherry St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Accident – Injury to Person(s), Mill St.
January 25: Dead Body, Farr St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Suspicious Event, Wolcott St./Main St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Cottage St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Brook St./Elm St.; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St./Granite St.
January 26: Snowmobile, Lamoille Valley Rail Trail; Accident – Property Damage Only, Vt. Rte. 15 W; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Parking Problem, S. Main St./Wolcott St.; Trespassing, Vt. Rte. 14 S; Traffic Stop, Wolcott St.; Unsecure Premis, Wolcott St.