WORCESTER – In my previous report, I covered the Yield Bill, regarding school property taxes. In this report I discuss the two bills that the Environment & Energy Committee that I served on did a great deal of the work on. The Renewable Energy Standard bill, H.829, began in our[Read More…]
Avram Patt
Veto Session, School Property Taxes
by Rep. Avram Patt WORCESTER – I will be wrapping up my last term with two reports about the historically unprecedented number of bills vetoed by Governor Scott, in this session as well as in his entire time in office. The Governor vetoed eight bills just this year. Six of[Read More…]
Not Running for Re-election
WORCESTER – I am writing to let everyone in the Lamoille-Washington House district and others know that I will not be seeking re-election as one of the district’s two State Representatives for the next term which begins in 2025. This decision was not any easy one. I have thought and[Read More…]
End of Session Work Includes Property Taxes and More
WORCESTER – With only a few more weeks remaining in this year’s session, activity is focused on resolving differences between the House and Senate versions of numerous bills, major and minor. And there will be legislation taken up in the House this week dealing with education property taxes. The House[Read More…]
Representatives Work on Taxes, Senate Bills
WORCESTER – The House Ways and Means and Education Committees are working on a number of bills dealing with property tax and education funding issues that have been front and center this session, as they have been in the Senate as well. These include the annual “Yield Bill,” the chief[Read More…]
Busy Considering Crossover Deadlines
WORCESTER – The House and Senate have been busy acting on bills that must make the several different crossover deadlines for different types of bills, in order to get them to the other body. Much of the rest of the session will be spent on back and forth activity, either[Read More…]
Entering the Make-or-Break Session
Entering the Make-or-Break Session WORCESTER – The Legislature is back in session after the Town Meeting. Around the state and in some towns in our district, there have been changes in how voters make their decisions. Some towns do not have a live town meeting anymore and make their decisions[Read More…]
Town Meeting Break Coming Up, Property Taxes and More
WORCESTER – The pace continues to pick up as we head for the Legislature’s Town Meeting week break. As has happened across the state, there have been changes in how and when towns and school districts vote and meet, including in our House district. School Property Taxes. H.850, the bill[Read More…]
The Session Begins
by Rep. Avram Patt, Lamoille-Washington District, Morristown, Elmore, Woodbury, Worcester and northern Stowe WOODBURY – The 2024 session of the Legislature began on July 3. It being the second half of a two-year biennium session, we will be dealing with a lot of new issues and bills, but we will[Read More…]