ALBANY— Both experienced players and beginners are welcome to a Magic the Gathering gaming event, February 11, 4 to 7 p.m., at The Genny. Boards and cards will be available or attendees may bring their own. The Genny is located at 842 Main Street, Albany.
Paint and Sip, Feb. 15
ALBANY— A paint and sip event will be held on February 15, 4:30 to 7 p.m., at The Genny. The admission cost includes one drink. Participants must call(802)-755-9062 or email the store at [email protected] to sign up. The Genny is located at 842 Main Street.
Board Game Night, Feb. 18
ALBANY— A board game night will be held February 18, 4 to 7 p.m. at The Genny. Games will be provided, or attendees can bring their own. The Genny is located at 842 Main Street.