News, Photoposts

Second Floor Added to Library Addition

photo by Paul Fixx
Workers with ReArch Company of South Burlington have begun construction on the second floor of the Jeudevine Memorial Library addition. Despite fluctuating late winter temperatures, the lack of snow cover has allowed work to proceed. The original 1896 library is to the right of the new addition. It was donated to Hardwick in 1897 by Malvina Jeudevine in memory of her husband Alden E. Jeudevine and son Cornelius “Nealy”, who, at 16, developed a strep infection after a walk in the family’s sugarbush. By the time the doctor arrived from Burlington nothing could be done where today a standard course of antibiotics would likely have saved him. To the left is the rear of St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church.

photo by Paul Fixx
The new main entrance on West Church Street begins to take shape as work proceeds on the second floor of the Jeudevine Memorial Library addition. Library Director, Diane Grenkow reports that construction is on track for the library to occupy its new quarters in August. To the right is the corner of the Hardwick Area Food Pantry, attached to St. John the Baptist Episcopal Church.

Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.

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