Hardwick, News

Hardwick Farms Road Reopens over Porter Brook

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photo by Paul Fixx
Two eight-foot culverts create a new, but still temporary, Porter Brook crossing on Hardwick Farms Road in East Hardwick, August 20. The work was permitted under a Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation Authorization to Conduct Next Flood Measures. The federal government has not yet issued a disaster declaration for the July 10 and 11 flooding that would authorize reimbursement for work to repair and mitigate flood damage.
photo by Paul Fixx
Hardwick Farms Road in East Hardwick is passable on August 20 for all vehicles, including farm equipment, following the July 10 and 11 flooding. The new current crossing of Porter Brook is only temporary as the town has hired an engineer to develop plans for a permanent box culvert that could be installed in 2025.

Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.

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The Hardwick Gazette

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