The article, “Woodbury Residents Hear About Broadband Construction,” in the November 6 issue was written by John Reid, Woodbury’s representative to NEKCV dba NEK Broadband.
We’ve heard a number of comments about Raymonda Parchment’s headline, “Clerks say, BYOB: Bring Your Own Ballot,” in the November 6 Special Election Edition and want to acknowledge Parchment first heard Wolcott Town Clerk Belinda Harris Glegg say, “All morning, we’ve been saying BYOB: Bring your own ballot.”
In that issue’s article, “GOP Surprises, Business as Usual,” we should have noted Mike Southworth had filed his November 1 campaign finance report, while candidate Sabrina Morrison had not filed one, nor the earlier required October 15 report. That article should have noted the information about Southworth’s campaign funding had come from the column indicating funding had come from the candidate and their family because those contributions had been made in an earlier period than the November 1 report we looked at. Southworth told us, “my campaign was completely self funded, no other family members were involved.”
Megan Cane’s piece, “Election Opinions Mixed,” in that issue should have indicated the polls in both Walden and Stannard opened at 10 a.m.
The 2024 General Election Results chart on page 6 of that same issue should have shown Greg Burtt with 585 votes from Cabot in the Caledonia-Washington District House race.
Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.