PLAINFIELD – Goddard College will move to online-only education for at least a year, school leaders announced in a community letter in late January.
Attorney General Charity Clark sued three loggers, alleging that they stole lumber from five different landowners between February 2018 and February 2020. Clark alleged that David, Paul and Joseph Codling, who own Codling Brothers Logging of Plainfield, violated the Consumer Protection Act by “making misleading statements about their services and subsequently taking more logs than agreed, failing to compensate landowners and leaving a mess that landowners had to clean up at their own expense.”
In March, since Goddard College announced in January that they were suspending residency programs and moving to an online only model, several proposals to use the campus emerged.
Town Meeting was finally scheduled for Wednesday, May 22, at their special April 11 meeting. The delay was caused by the lack of an auditor to sign off on the town’s 2023 financial statements.
In April, a local climate resiliency group was hoping to purchase the Goddard College campus, but said it’s was frozen out by Goddard administration.
In May, WGDR, Plainfield, celebrated 50 Years.
Plainfield Arts arranged for The Black Feathers duo to return to the Plainfield Opera House on Friday, June 28, with singer-songwriters Ray Hughes and Sian Chandler.
In June, Goddard College inked a deal to sell the campus.
In July, trustees announced a new buyer of the Goddard College campus, which the school refused to name, would pay a multi-million dollar sum for the 117-acre Plainfield property.
July had Plainfield residents starting to dig out from the July 10 to 11 flooding and a FEMA disaster recovery center opened in town.
A book and bulb sale by Friends of Cutler Library, to benefit the library, was held Saturday, Sept. 28, on the lawn.
In September the Plainfield disaster recovery center closed.
There was a Route 2 detour in Plainfield via Vt. Route 214 and Vt. Route 14, through September.
On Saturday, Sept. 28, there was a final flood waste disposal opportunity for Plainfield residents at the park and ride.
Also in September, the Village Expansion Committee sought input
In late September, Goddard College’s board of trustees announced that the second plan to sell the defunct institution’s campus had fallen through.
In October, Route 2 reopened to one-way traffic, and a Route 2 slope stabilization project was completed. Construction along the Winooski River on U.S. Rte. 2 was expected to be “substantially complete” according to an Agency of Transportation (AOT) special notice on Oct. 4.
It was announced that the Goddard College campus was to be sold to a New Hampshire developer.
The Marshfield Dam’s emergency spillway stop log gate was the subject of a Hazard Mitigation Meeting, October 17.
The third Goddard buyer Mike Davidson attended a select board meeting where he shared ideas and asked for input, October 14.
A Friendsgiving scheduled for the Goddard Haybarn November 23, with Goddard buyer Mike Davidson, was canceled.
In late November, plans were announced for Plainfield Co-op’s Expansion.
Plainfield Arts presented “The Continued Adventures of King Wenceslas,” a production by The Vermont Suitcase Company, at the Plainfield Opera House, December 15.