Hardwick, News

Gazette Intern Featured in CNS Annual Report

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HARDWICK – UVM Senior Lucia McCallum’s work with The Hardwick Gazette reporting on community resilience during her 2024 summer internship earned her a spot in the UVM Community News Service annual report, that stated, “Senior Lucia McCallum, an English major, joined CNS in the spring of 2024 with a curious mind and a first-day interest in getting clips.

“With the stories she put together across that semester, she drew the interest of The Hardwick Gazette, a 135-year-old weekly newspaper turning a new leaf as a digital nonprofit. The Gazette covers 10 [sic] towns in and around the Northeast Kingdom, including Lucia’s hometown, Cabot.

“The Gazette chose Lucia for an internship funded through the Leahy Institute for Rural Partnerships, and CNS collaborated with the paper to provide editing on eight of her 10 summer stories.

“Lucia grew rapidly as a writer over the summer and provided key, insightful coverage to flood-wracked towns. She told CNS she appreciated the value of connecting with people in the community The Gazette covers as she listened to folks hit by floods or handling school policy.

Lucia’s stories for The Gazette included, Gov. Scott Praises Recovery, then Floods hit

Again; Cabot Community Celebrates Flood Resilience Amidst Receding Waters; Flood Mitigation Solutions Sought by Task Force; and NEK Homeowners and Recovery Group Rebuild.”

The full CNS report is at: vtcommunitynews.org/wp-content/uploads/2025/01/2024-CNS-report-compressed.pdf

Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.

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Paul Fixx

Sandy Atkins, Raymonda Parchment, Dawn Gustafson, Paul Fixx

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