HARDWICK – A paid warning in last week’s issue, approved by a member of the Town of Greensboro Select Board for a town meeting day vote, noted the names of all select board members as signatories. One of those members asked that it be noted Bobbie Nisbet and Chair Eric Hanson did not attend the meeting where the warning was approved, nor did they sign it. The online ad was replaced by the actual signed document.
It is The Gazette’s policy to include the names of all select board members when we are presented with an ad with town documents approved by a select board.
We introduced errors into last week’s stories by Lisa Stinson that did not appear in the copy she submitted. “New Theater Advisor Builds Program at Craftsbury Schools,” should have begun, “Craftsbury Schools has appointed Katherine Locke as the new theater advisor for Craftsbury grades two through twelve, as of January 23.”
A sentence later in the piece should have read, “The program launched last week with acting skill development and team-building activities, leading up to a spring production to be announced in the coming weeks.
January was incorrectly spelled in “Students Embrace Winter on Community Ice Rink.”
While we strive to eliminate errors, they do occasionally slip through our editing process. We will always print a correction when we become aware of an error that changes the intended sense of what was written. We do not generally print corrections to misspellings or punctuation errors, the corr
Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.