
Who Decides?

To the editor: Who decides whether a woman has autonomy over her own health/body decisions? The woman in consultation with her doctor, or five male Justices who were hand-picked for nomination by the Federalist Society, a right wing, conservative organization led by an ardent forced birth advocate, and then shoehorned[Read More…]

For the Record

HARDWICK – As a clarification to the Hardwick Select Board meeting as reported in the October 18 edition of the Gazette, the Jeudevine Library addition will be attached to the side of the existing building but a redesign was necessary to raise the addition up due to the excessive groundwater. 

For the Record

HARDWICK – The unapproved minutes of the Hardwick Select Board, which formed the basis of the front-page story in the August 16 edition of the Hardwick Gazette (Library Expansion Facing Groundwater Challenge, fourth paragraph) were approved to read, “While working with residents and FEMA, there have been six potential properties identified[Read More…]


by Elizabeth McCarthy You’d think it would be enough  just to see the birth of Spring when lambs come out to play and newly awakened trees unfurl  their fresh green leaves when wild crabapples blush pink, blossoms alive with humble-bees sending the sweet scent of optimism  across fields of yellow[Read More…]


The Hardwick Gazette

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Hours: Mon. 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tues 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wed. 9 to 11 a.m., Fri. 8 a.m. to noon

Tel: (802) 472-6521

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Paul Fixx

Sandy Atkins, Raymonda Parchment, Dawn Gustafson, Paul Fixx

Dawn Gustafson

Sandy Atkins, Dawn Gustafson, Dave Mitchell, Raymonda Parchment

Raymonda Parchment

Ken Brown
Eric Hanson

Tyler Molleur

Vanessa Fournier

Julie Atwood

Trish Alley, Sandy Atkins, Brendan Buckley, Elizabeth Dow, Hal Gray, Abrah Griggs, Henry Homeyer, Pat Hussey, Willem Lange, Cheryl Luther Michaels, Tyler Molleur, Kay Spaulding, Liz Steel, John Walters

Megan Cane, Brigitte Offord