WALDEN – On November 5, Mike Southworth was elected to the Vermont House of Representatives for the Caledonia-2 District covering Hardwick, Stannard and Walden where he has lived the last 28 years. Southworth is married and has three adult sons. Southworth says he’s more practical than political and hopes his[Read More…]
Senator-elect Beck to Become Minority Leader
by Paul Fixx CALEDONIA COUNTY – Members of the Senate Republican Caucus met November 26 and chose Senator-elect Scott Beck as the new caucus leader for the upcoming legislative session. Senator Brian Collamore was re-elected as Assistant Republican Leader. Beck said he gave a lot of thought to it before[Read More…]
Republicans Tap Beck as New Caucus Leader
MONTPELIER – Vermont’s Republican state senators ousted the leader of their caucus last Tuesday and took the unconventional step of replacing him with a senator who’s just been elected. The GOP caucus chose Rep. Scott Beck, who in January will make the jump to the Caledonia County Senate seat after[Read More…]
Organic Farmer, Freshman Senator-to-be, Douglass Plans to Make a Difference
ORLEANS COUNTY – A small family farmer, raising goats, chickens, ducks and bees, with more than 15 four- by 25-foot beds where he and his wife raise flowers, plant starts and have herb and tea gardens, Samuel Doulass, newly elected to represent Orleans County in the Vermont Senate, seems not[Read More…]
Women Lose Seats, Dems Lose More
HARDWICK AREA – Women took a hit in the election earlier this month, but representation by Democrats dropped even more. While party representation has moved toward parity, representation by women has moved away from it in a significant way. The contingent of area women in the legislature will fall from[Read More…]
Justices of the Peace Elected
AREA TOWNS – Every area town elected justices of the peace (JP) last Tuesday. JP candidates elected on November 5 are listed below for each town in the format: Candidate (party), votes. Towns are not required to record the number of votes each candidate received for uncontested races, thus vote[Read More…]
2024 General Election Results Dashboard, Nov. 5
AREA TOWNS – Welcomer to The Hardwick Gazette General Election Results Dashboard for the November 5, 2024 state and national elections. Vermont results will be available after the polls close at 7 p.m. Results for other locations will be available as polls close there. This dashboard will become live at[Read More…]
Town Clerks Say BYOB: Bring Your Own Ballot
CRAFTSBURY, WOLCOTT, WOODBURY – From town to town, the election day process varies in length, difficulty and turnout. Town clerks, election officials and other contributors work to ensure the process is fair, accurate, and importantly, efficient. While each polling center must abide by state and federal regulations while performing the[Read More…]
2024 Vermont Senate & House Election Results
GOP Surprises, Business as Usual
AREA TOWNS – Area residents got some surprises Tuesday evening as election results rolled in when the Caledonia and Orleans County Senate seats long occupied by Democrat Sen. Jane Kitchell and Sen. Bobby Starr were won by Republicans, current Rep. Scott Beck and relative unknown Sam Douglass. Beck received 58.3%[Read More…]
Local Elections Secure Say Poll Workers
AREA TOWNS – Despite concerns about mail-in voting, local poll workers say the process is secure. In a tumultuous time with trust in institutions declining, local poll workers want voters to know they can be trusted. On election day, many Vermonters volunteered as official poll workers, running polling places and[Read More…]
General Election Free, Fair, Transparent, Accessible says Secretary of State
AREA TOWNS – Vermont’s town clerks have had more work ahead of this year’s election today than in previous years as they’ve been processing a lot of mail-in ballots. The state has mailed ballots to every registered voter for only the second Presidential election. 42.31% of them had been received[Read More…]