GREENSBORO – The air smells better than it has in years, said Greensboro Town Clerk Kim Greaves, following recent mold mitigation in the town hall’s ground floor utility room. Plans are to move the office back downstairs on December 5, where Greaves and other town employees will be closer to[Read More…]
Less Interruptions at Meeting, More Grants
GREENSBORO – The Wednesday evening select board meeting, November 13, had a packed agenda, with various grant projects dominating the discussion. In contrast to last month’s meeting, there were far less interruptions after the board implemented new basic parliamentary rules of procedure. The meeting began with the announcement of a[Read More…]
RuralEdge Awarded $175,000 Tax Incentive for Town Hall Housing Project
GREENSBORO – RuralEdge has been awarded $175,000 in state tax credits to support important code and façade improvements to help make the town hall redevelopment project possible. Governor Phil Scott and the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD) announced the award as part of just over $4 million in[Read More…]
Volunteers Sought for Greensboro Culvert Program
GREENSBORO – The town of Greensboro has recently launched a community-wide volunteer effort called “Adopt-A-Culvert” to empower volunteers to monitor and protect storm drainage systems. This program is organized by the Stewards of the Greensboro Watersheds of the Greensboro Association and the Greensboro Conservation Commission. Culverts, which are owned by[Read More…]
New Flag at UCC
Anonymous Greensboro Group Sends Letter on Town Hall Project
GREENSBORO – Another anonymous group has recently weighed in on the town hall redevelopment project. Using an email address named Better Greensboro directed to [email protected], the writer of a November 7 message uses the term we in referring to itself, suggesting at least several people are involved. The email message[Read More…]
A Visit With the Sheriff
New U.S. Citizen is First-Time Voter
Concerned Citizens Suggest Town Hall Redevelopment Middle Ground
GREENSBORO – An email message titled “Key Concerns Regarding Proposed Greensboro Redevelopment” was sent to an anonymous list of Greensboro residents October 31 from an organization calling itself Concerned Citizens of Greensboro. “We’re a group of Greensboro residents who love our town and want to see it thrive. We believe[Read More…]
Barter Fair, Nov. 17
GREENSBORO – A harvest barter fair will be held November 17, from 1 p.m. to 3 pm., at Lakeview Elementary. Individuals may bring items that have been grown, preserved, baked, or raised to swap with neighbors. Items will be swapped on a one-for-one basis. Bring items with an estimated value of[Read More…]
Greensboro Village Trick-Or-Treat Trail, Oct. 31
GREENSBORO – Trick-or-treating starts at 4:30 p.m. on Halloween, Thursday, Oct. 31, in the Village of Greensboro and ends at 6 p.m. Residents throughout the village will offer treats to costumed visitors and volunteers will be stationed at summer homes throughout the village doing the same. “The Greensboro United Church[Read More…]