Business, News, Northeast Kingdom

NEK Broadband and CV Fiber Merge

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NORTHEAST KINGDOM – A merger of Vermont Communications Union Districts NEK Broadband and CVFiber became effective August 16, wrote the new Governing Board Chair Nick Anzalone, in a letter to town clerks that day.

photo by Paul Fixx
Eustis Cable Company of Brookfield works to install fiber optic cable for NEK Broadband along Houston Hill Road in Hardwick on Friday morning, August 23. NEK Broadband is working to bring internet service to unserved and underserved customers in Caledonia, Orleans and Essex Counties.

Anzalone said, “NEK Broadband and CVFiber have united resources, expertise and a shared commitment to deliver exceptional high-speed internet services to our 71 communities. Working together, we will be better able to support economic growth, community development, and digital equity across the Northeast Kingdom and Central Vermont.”

The new organization combined the names of the two organizations, to become NEKCV. For now, each organization will retain its current branding.

In the Hardwick Gazette’s coverage area, NEK Broadband towns now part of the merged organization are Hardwick, Craftsbury, Greensboro, Stannard and Walden, and CVFiber towns now part of the merged organization are Cabot, Calais, Marshfield, Plainfield, Washington and Woodbury.

NEKCV reports, “Installations stay apace for areas that have launched in Central Vermont and the Northeast Kingdom.

“The 2024 construction season has concluded for CVFiber with design planning underway for 2025.

“In the Northeast Kingdom, construction continues with additional areas opening by the end of 2024.”

Paul Fixx is Hardwick’s representative to the NEKCV board of directors.

Paul Fixx is editor of The Hardwick Gazette and lives in Hardwick.

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The Hardwick Gazette

The Hardwick Gazette, PO Box 9, Hardwick, VT 05843

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