ST. JOHNSBURY – More than any post-election period that I can recall, Vermonters remain heavily engaged since November’s election: so engaged, that many want to know why the problems highlighted on November 5 haven’t already been fixed: education property taxes, housing affordability and availability, healthcare costs, public safety, and the[Read More…]
Balint Recounts Legislative Activities
WASHINGTON, D.C. – 2024 has been a challenging year for many of us. For another summer, we had to dig out from devastating flooding, landslides, and mudslides. Families are struggling to afford housing and other basic needs. And it can feel at times like our country is more divided than[Read More…]
For the Record
The December 25 year-in-review article about Craftsbury should have said, “Craftsbury Saplings Received a $50,000 planning grant from First Children’s Finance Vermont to help with the planned expansion project.”
We Must End this Madness
To the editor: The 17,000 Palestinian children who have died in the last 15 months of assault on their country did not ask to be killed. Not the ones who died a slow anguished death under the rubble of their bombed-out homes, nor those obliterated by other weaponry provided by[Read More…]
Look To the Light
Willem Lange’s column last week got me to contemplating the connection he made between religious celebrations at this time of year and the return of daylight after the winter solstice; Saturday, Dec. 21, this year. At a time of divisive political rhetoric, it seems worthwhile to remember that the sun[Read More…]
For the record
In last week’s article, “WEC Manager Authorized to Sell Wrightsville Hydro Plant,” minutes of the board’s October 30 meeting were revised at the November meeting, December 4, they became available December 18. The correct quotes from those amended minutes are, “A Motion made by Director Hamilton, seconded by Director Douglas,[Read More…]
Fill the Churches
To the editor: During this Advent season, hundreds of delivery vehicles are crisscrossing the country delivering packages containing Christmas gifts. Stores are jammed with shoppers, with their shopping lists for Christmas gifts. Homes and businesses are decorated with lights, Santas, snowmen, nativity scenes and more. Why all this hustle and[Read More…]
The Heart of Woodbury
WOODBURY – A person walks into a library . . . People still do, I’m pleased to say, and we still sign out real books. There are close to 8,000 books on the shelves of the Woodbury Community Library (WCL), though when I walk in, I almost always find my[Read More…]
It’s Been Quite a Year
Whew! It’s been quite a year here at the Hardwick Gazette. You’ve seen the result of the efforts our team makes to put The Gazette together each week. Behind the scenes, staff has given this editor a graduate course in almost everything (I think they hold on to a few[Read More…]
For the Record
ed. note: In last week’s story, “Becky Butler Honored as UVM Outstanding Educator,” The correct spelling is Francinne Valcour. The phrase “The care Butler exhibits for her students is exceedingly evident. , .” should be removed.
Gazette Readers Fill Us with Joy
You, dear readers, have brought joy to all of us who are involved with The Hardwick Gazette as our Giving Tuesday campaign winds down and funds keep arriving. We had received 101 donations totaling just over $11,000 by last Wednesday evening, Dec. 4, the day after Giving Tuesday. In the[Read More…]
HA Class of 1955 Gift
HARDWICK – If someone wanted to maybe recognize one class that best typifies the alumni spirit, a group who continues to support one another and their community long after their high schools days, it would be tough not to choose the Hardwick Academy (HA) Class of 1955. Approaching their 70th[Read More…]