To the editor:
My name is Michael Southworth and I am running for state representative for your towns. I am running as a Republican. I grew up in Orleans County and have lived in Walden for 27 years. I recently retired from working over 30 years for the State of Vermont.
My career started with working as a deputy state game warden then moved on to work for the Department of Corrections, the Agency of Transportation, and ended with the Vermont Department of Motor Vehicles. During my career, I have come to understand how state government works and what I feel could change. My wife and I also run a small business.
As a taxpayer, like yourselves, the increase in taxes and fees imposed on us by the super-majority in the Vermont Legislature this year is too much. A super-majority in the Vermont Legislature is not good for any of us. We need to bring balance back to Montpelier. We cannot afford the way it is any longer.
There needs to be a better, more affordable, way to fund the education system while maintaining a quality education for the next generations. In doing so, it could allow these generations to afford to stay in Vermont and in Vermont’s workforce.
If elected, I will make decisions based on what is good for Vermonters, making where we live more affordable, and what businesses and residents need in order to stay and live in Vermont.
I will be making my way around the towns to meet with you. To support me, I am asking for you to talk with your friends, family and neighbors, to get them to go out and vote on August 13 for the primary and November 5 for the general election. Voting is the only way we can effect change in Montpelier! Thank you in advance for your support.
Michael “Mike” Southworth